ZyXEL Communications 2602HW Series 사용자 설명서

페이지 519
Prestige 2602HW Series User’s Guide
Chapter 37 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance
37.4.6  TFTP Upload Command Example
The following is an example TFTP command:
tftp [-i] host put firmware.bin ras
where “
” specifies binary image transfer mode (use this mode when transferring binary files), 
” is the Prestige’s IP address and “
” transfers the file source on the computer 
 – name of the firmware on the computer) to the file destination on the 
remote host (
 - name of the firmware on the Prestige).
Commands that you may see in GUI-based TFTP clients are listed earlier in this chapter.
37.4.7  Uploading Via Console Port
FTP or TFTP are the preferred methods for uploading firmware to your Prestige. However, in 
the event of your network being down, uploading files is only possible with a direct 
connection to your Prestige via the console port. Uploading files via the console port under 
normal conditions is not recommended since FTP or TFTP is faster. Any serial 
communications program should work fine; however, you must use the Xmodem protocol to 
perform the download/upload.
37.4.8  Uploading Firmware File Via Console Port
Select 1 from Menu 24.7 – System Maintenance – Upload Firmware to display Menu 
24.7.1 - System Maintenance - Upload System Firmware, and then follow the instructions 
as shown in the following screen.
Figure 234   Menu 24.7.1 As Seen Using the Console Port
After the "Starting Xmodem upload" message appears, activate the Xmodem protocol on 
your computer. Follow the procedure as shown previously for the HyperTerminal 
program. The procedure for other serial communications programs should be similar.
Menu 24.7.1 - System Maintenance - Upload System Firmware
To upload system firmware:       
1. Enter "y" at the prompt below to go into debug mode.       
2. Enter "atur" after "Enter Debug Mode" message.       
3. Wait for "Starting XMODEM upload" message before activating          
Xmodem upload on your terminal.       
4. After successful firmware upload, enter "atgo" to restart 
the router.       
Warning: Proceeding with the upload will erase the current 
system       firmware.
        Do You Wish To Proceed:(Y/N)