Emulex NP02 사용자 설명서

페이지 207
5-4   Chapter 5  
9)  At Server>, enter su: 
Server> su 
This gives you supervisor status.   
10) At Password>, enter system: 
Password> system 
where system is the default privileged password which does not echo 
11) At the Server>> prompt, view or change current parameters. 
Refer to the list of commands in the Command Reference Guide
12) Logout of the printer server: 
Server>> ^D 
Local Login 
1)  Connect an ANSII compatible terminal or a PC running an ANSII 
terminal emulation program to the printer server serial or console port.   
Emulex default port configuration is set for 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no 
parity, 1 stop bit, DTE type, with softcopy emulation. 
2)  Press E
This initiates communication between the console terminal and the 
printer server serial port.  
3)  Verify banner. 
When the connection is made, the printer server login banner is 
4)  At Enter Username or Help>, enter any alpha-numeric characters. 
5)  At Server>, enter su: 
Server> su 
This gives you supervisor status.   
6)  At Password>, enter system: 
Password> system