OKI 391 사용자 설명서

페이지 135
User’s Guide:  English
The first line prints at the red line of the plastic paper shield
(1) on the printhead.
The Top of Form and Forms Tear-Off settings of your printer
How you set the Top of Form depends on the status of the
Forms Tear-Off menu setting.
For more information, refer to “Using Your Printer, Top of
Form (TOF).”
Operation Tips
Operation Tip: Top of Form
If you turn the platen knob when the printer is turned
on, you will cause the Top of Form to mis-align.  Always
turn the printer off before turning the platen knob!
Always determine the status of the Forms Tear-Off menu
setting BEFORE setting the Top of Form.  Refer to
“Using Your Printer, Top of Form, Forms Tear-Off
Status (ON or OFF).”
Top of Form sets the print start position for the printer. It is
adjustable in increments of 1/144 of an inch. The amount of
adjustment is limited to avoid paper jams.
The Top of Form may be left at the factory default (1 inch),
changed for a single print job, or set to a new (permanent)