Apple Mac OS 사용자 설명서

페이지 42
ticket, Kerberos  A temporary credential that proves a Kerberos client’s identity to a 
Transmission Control Protocol  See TCP.
UDP  User Datagram Protocol. A communications method that uses the Internet 
Protocol (IP) to send a data unit (called a datagram) from one computer to another on 
a network. Network applications that have very small data units to exchange may use 
UDP rather than TCP.
UID  User ID. A number that uniquely identifies a user within a file system. Mac OS X 
computers use the UID to keep track of a user’s folder and file ownership.
URL  Uniform Resource Locator. The address of a computer, file, or resource that can be 
accessed on a local network or the Internet. The URL is made up of the name of the 
protocol needed to access the resource, a domain name that identifies a specific 
computer on the Internet, and a hierarchical description of a file location on the 
USB  Universal Serial Bus. A standard for communicating between a computer and 
external peripherals using an inexpensive direct-connect cable.
User Datagram Protocol  See UDP.
user ID  See UID.
user name  The long name for a user, sometimes referred to as the user’s real name. 
See also short name.
volume  A mountable allocation of storage that behaves, from the client’s perspective, 
like a local hard disk, hard disk partition, or network volume. In Xsan, a volume consists 
of one or more storage pools. See also logical disk.
WebDAV  Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning. A live authoring 
environment that allows client users to check out webpages, make changes, and then 
check the pages back in to the site while the site is running.
WINS  Windows Internet Naming Service. A name resolution service used by Windows 
computers to match client names with IP addresses. A WINS server can be located on 
the local network or externally on the Internet.