IBM UPS1500THV 사용자 설명서

페이지 68
Diagnostic Utility 
The uninterruptible power supply has a diagnostic feature that displays the utility voltage. 
Plug the uninterruptible power supply into the utility power outlet. 
The uninterruptible power supply starts a self-test as part of this procedure. The 
self-test does not affect the voltage display. 
Press and hold the 
 button to view the utility voltage bar graph display. After a few 
seconds, this five-LED Battery Charge 
 display on the right of the front panel will 
show the utility input voltage.  
Refer to the figure at left for the voltage reading, corresponding to the configured nominal 
output voltage. 
The display indicates the voltage is between the displayed value on the list and the next 
higher value.  
If three LEDs are illuminated, the utility voltage is within the normal range. If no LEDs 
are illuminated
 and the uninterruptible power supply is plugged into a properly function-
ing utility power outlet, the line voltage is extremely low. If all five LEDs are illuminated
the line voltage is extremely high and should be checked by an electrician. 
On Battery Operation 
The IBM uninterruptible power supply switches to battery operation automatically if the utility power fails. While running on 
battery, an alarm beeps four times every 30 seconds. 
Press the 
 button to silence this uninterruptible power supply alarm. If the utility power does not return, the uninterruptible 
power supply continues to supply power to the connected equipment until the battery is fully discharged. 
If you are not using PowerChute, shut down the operating system and turn off the computer before the uninterruptible power 
supply fully discharges the battery. 
Determining On Battery Runtime 
The uninterruptible power supply battery charges when connected to utility power. The battery charges to 90% capacity during 
the first three hours of normal operation. Do not expect full battery run capability during the initial charge period. 
Battery Runtime Table     
This chart shows the typical on-battery runtime in minutes. 
Load (VA) 
50 30 105 224 269 
100 60  57  127 157 
122 28 64 80 
184 18 41 51 
247 13 29 37 
500 311  9.7  23  28 
600 377  7.7  18  22 
700 447  6.4  15  18 
750 500  5.0  13.5 16.5 
800 511  – 
12  15 
900 579  – 
11  13 
1000 700  – 
1200 790  – 
1400 936  – 
1440 1050  – 
1500 1050  – 