Powerware Model V-2000B 사용자 설명서

페이지 137
 System Configuration = 79 
GPI Outputs, Programming 
Six GPI outputs are available for use as tally or status indicators, driving an LED or logic 
input. Outputs are open collector, active low. 
Two drop down menus provide independent monitoring for each output.  Available status 
parameters include Idle, Playing, and Recording.  Each of these states may be monitored for 
Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3, Channels 1+2, Channels 2+3, or Channels 1+2+3. 
Figure 24:  Output Configuration Window 
The GPI connector pinout will be found in Appendix A. 
Descriptions of Control features may be found in the Automation Control section starting on 
page 69. 
Time Code  
The Image Server supports only drop frame time code for NTSC operations.