Nortel Networks 555-4001-135 사용자 설명서

페이지 244
140   Telephone user interface
553-3001-358/555-4001-135   Standard   02.00   July 2006  
Group Call-out Smart Retry – When the chairperson makes a group 
call-out to the same group for the second time, the system repeats the 
call-out only to numbers that are not connected in the conference. The 
second call-out includes calls to the following:
numbers not successfully connected in the previous group call-out
numbers that were connected, but then disconnected
The Group Call-out Smart Retry feature minimizes port usage during 
group calls.
Lock or unlock the conference
The chairperson can lock the conference to prevent any new conferees 
from joining by dialing *4. The chairperson can unlock the conference 
allowing new conferees to join by dialing *4 again. A caller trying to join 
a locked conference hears an announcement indicating that the 
conference is locked. The system then disconnects the call. The 
chairperson can dial-out and include a conferee when the conference 
is locked.
Because there is one command for lock and unlock, the system 
announces to the chairperson one of two possible voice messages: 
“Meeting is locked” or “Meeting is unlocked.” Only the chairperson that 
activates the command hears the lock/unlock announcement.
Count conferees
The chairperson can count the number of conferees that have joined a 
conference by dialing *69 (for announcing to the chairperson only), or 
*60 (for announcing to the whole conference). The ICB card issues a 
string of voice prompts, one for each conferee in the conference, that 
only the chairperson hears. If a new conferee joins the conference after 
the chairperson activates the command, the ICB card does not count 
that new conferee. If the system drops a conferee after the “count the 
conferees” or “play list” command, they are counted, but not named.
When the chairperson dials *69/*60, the conferees hear a quiet click.
 lists the TUI subcommands available to the 
chairperson when counting conferees.