Ionic Pro Plus 사용자 설명서

페이지 54
Page 26
Page 26
These include:
The mid price graph for the current day.  
Spread graph   
Graph of the spread value between the bid price  
and offer price.
Tick changes 
Shows trade ticks by either increase or decrease.
Bar chart showing the changes to the mid price  
over time.
Buy sell bar 
Bar chart displaying the day’s trades as buys,  
sells or unknowns.  This information is inferred  
from the price of the trade and the bid/offer price  
at the time of the trade.  
The fourth tab is 
Open / Close. This allows you to add a column showing the 
current day’s open or close prices.
You can choose to show 
Open / Close prices from several days ago by selecting 
Previous days from the Time options and typing in the number of days required 
in the box.  
For further details about micrographs please see the on-screen Help.
Fit Width
Fit Width option on the context menu will automatically set the column 
width required to fit the information displayed.  You can also do this by moving 
the mouse cursor between two column headings and double clicking.
Sorting Columns
All list columns within ShareScope can be sorted by double clicking on the 
column heading.  The heading of the sorted column will be in bold text.
If  you  are  sorting  by  intraday  columns,  you  can  set  these  to  be  resorted 
automatically as data comes in.  Select 
Tools : Options… : Lists.  In the dialog 
box below the 
Intraday option, tick Auto resort every five minutes and intraday 
columns will be refreshed at five minute intervals.
Many of the features available in the ShareScope Plus and Pro list windows 
are not described in this guide.  For further information, please refer to Section 
6 of the ShareScope User Guide.