AvMap ekp iii c 사용자 설명서

페이지 118
Fig. 15.7.3 - Serial Ports Menu
Change Parameters  
To change the parameters of the serial interface. This menu allows to select the Port (Signal
Source) between UART0 or UART1, the Baud Rate between 4800 or 9600, the Data Bits
(Word Length) between 7 or 8, the Parity between EVEN, ODD or NONE, the Stop Bits
between 1 or 2, the Polarity between “+” or “-”. Default settings are: Port = UART1, Baud
Rate = 4800, Data Bits = 8, Parity = NONE, Stop Bits = 1, Polarity = +.
Input Data Display  
To allow the chart plotter to act as a computer terminal and display the incoming data exact-
ly as it received.
If the data displayed on the screen is unrecognizable, you may have selected the wrong input
parameters for your particular receiver, for example, NMEA-0182 instead of NMEA-0183.
Check your receiver manual to be sure that you have selected the proper interface format. If
the screen is blank, you may have a broken connection, and no data is being received.
Use ‘ZOOM IN’ to stop (or continue after pause) data displaying, ‘ENTER’ to show
data in hex or ASCII mode (normal or small) and ‘ESC’ to exit.