Rotel RCD-06 사용자 설명서

페이지 56
AC Power and Control
AC Power Input 
Your RCD-06 is confi gured at the factory for 
the proper AC voltage in the country where 
you purchased it (either 120 volts or 230 volts). 
The AC line confi guration is noted on a decal 
on the back panel.
 Should you move your CD player 
to another country, it may be possible to 
reconfigure it for use on a different line 
voltage. Do not attempt to perform this 
conversion yourself. Opening the enclosure 
of the RCD-06 exposes you to dangerous 
voltages. Consult a qualified service person 
or the Rotel factory service department for 
The RCD-06 should be plugged directly into a 
2-pin polarized wall outlet or into the switched 
outlet on another component in your audio 
system. Do not use an extension cord.
Be sure the power switch on the front panel of 
the RCD-06 is turned off (in the “out” position). 
Then, connect the supplied power cord to the 
AC power receptacle on the rear of the unit 
and the AC power outlet. 
If you are going to be away from home for an 
extended period of time such as a month-long 
vacation, it is a sensible precaution to unplug 
your CD player (as well as other audio and 
video components) while you are away.
Power Switch 
 and Power 
The power switch is located on the front panel 
of your CD player. To turn the CD player on, 
push the switch in. The LED indicator above the 
switch and the Display will light up, indicating 
that the CD player is turned on. To turn the CD 
player off, push the button again and return it 
to the “out” position.
 If you are using a switched outlet to 
turn on and off your CD player, you should 
leave the power switch in the “on” position. 
When AC power is applied to the unit, it will 
power up in fully active mode.
Output Connections
The RCD-06 gives you a choice of two different 
kinds of output connections — an analog output 
signal from the built-in D/A converter for use 
with conventional analog audio components 
and a coax digital output which provides 
an unprocessed digital data signal for use 
with outboard D/A converters or digital 
 To prevent loud noises that neither 
you nor your speakers will appreciate, make 
sure the CD player is turned off when you 
make any signal connections.
Analog Outputs 
[See Figure 3 for wiring illustration]
A pair of standard RCA jacks supplies an 
analog output signal from the RCD-06 to the 
source inputs of an audio preamplifi er, in-
tegrated amplifi er, or receiver. 
Select high quality audio interconnect cables. 
Connect the left channel output of the RCD-06 to 
the left channel source input on the preamplifi er 
or other component. Connect the right output 
of the RCD-06 to the right channel source input 
on the preamplifi er or other component.
Digital Output 
[See Figure 4 for wiring illustration]
If you are using an outboard D/A converter 
or other digital processor, you will need an 
unprocessed digital data stream from the 
RCD-06, taken before the built-in D/A converter. 
This signal is supplied by the RCD-06’s back-
panel digital output jack. Using a standard 75 
ohm coax digital cable, connect the RCD-06’s 
coax digital output to the coax digital input 
connector on the outboard D/A converter.
The RCD-06 can be operated using its front 
panel buttons or from corresponding buttons 
on the supplied infrared remote control. 
Specifi c instructions for each of these controls 
are detailed below. Most of the buttons are 
duplicated on the front panel and on the IR 
remote control. However, there are a few 
exceptions where the buttons are only available 
on one or the other. These exceptions are noted 
in the instructions.
Infrared Remote Control 
Before using the IR remote control, it is necessary 
to install two “UM-4/AAA” batteries (supplied). 
Remove the plastic cover on the back of the 
IR remote, install the batteries (observing the 
+ and – polarity indications), and reinstall 
the cover.
To use the IR remote control, aim it at the IR 
 located in the Display area on the 
front panel of the RCD-06.
A lighted Display on the front panel of the 
RCD-06 provides useful information about 
the status of the unit, activation of special 
features, and track/time information for the 
disc being played. Each of these indicators is 
described in the detailed operating instructions 
that follow.
Disc Drawer 
A motor-driven disc drawer, located in the 
center of the RCD-06, slides out to accept a 
compact disc and retracts to play the disc. Place 
the compact disc in the drawer label-side up. 
Make sure the disc is properly centered in the 
tray. The drawer can be closed in two ways: 
pushing the OPN/CLS button or pushing the 
PLAY button.
 Stereo Compact Disc Player