Monroe 6120 사용자 가이드

페이지 20
16. [+] 
Adds an amount to the accumulator. To add the same amount more than one  time 
(repeat addition), enter that amount once and depress the Plus key as many times as 
necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after [%] key, it works as percent plus 
17. [-] 
Subtracts an amount from the accumulator. To subtract the same amount more than 
one time (repeat subtraction), enter that amount once and depress the Minus key as 
many times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after [%] key, it works as 
percent minus key. 
18. [
Prints and clears the accumulator. When GT switch is on, the result will be added to or 
subtracted from GT accumulator. 
19. [
Prints the accumulated amount but does not clear the Accumulator. 
20. [#/D] 
Prints displayed contents but does not perform any calculation; prints the figure in the 
display even if the print switch is in “D” position. 
21. [%] 
Completes percent calculation when Multiplication or Division is pending. 
22. [
Automatically compares any two amounts, prints the actual numerical difference 
between them, then calculates and prints the percent change or the gross margin 
percentage. This calculation is also possible via [%] instead of [=]. 
23. [MU] 
From a known cost of goods and desired gross margin, this key automatically 
calculates and prints the amount of Markup and the selling price. 
24. [GT] 
Print and clear the Grand Total Accumulator. 
25. [M+] 
Adds an amount to Memory. If there is a live calculation pending, the Memory Plus key 
will complete the calculation and accumulate the result to Memory. 
26. [M-] 
Subtracts an amount from Memory. If there is a live calculation pending, the Memory 
Minus key will complete the calculation and subtract the amount from Memory. 
27. [M
Prints but does not clear the Memory. 
28. [M
Prints and clears the Memory.