Netopia 430 s 참조 가이드

페이지 276
AppleTalk:  A comprehensive network system designed and 
developed by Apple Computer, Inc. AppleTalk allows many different 
types of computer systems, printers, and ser vers to communicate 
on a variety of cabling schemes, including LocalTalk and Ethernet 
cabling. In this manual, AppleTalk refers especially to the protocols 
or rule sets that govern this communication.
AppleTalk address:  A unique identifier for each device using 
AppleTalk that allows information to be sent and received correctly.  
An AppleTalk address always includes a network number wherever 
two or more AppleTalk networks are connected together by routers. 
AUI (Attachment Unit Interface):  Usually refers to 15-pin D 
connectors associated with Ethernet transceivers.
AURP (Apple Update-based Router Protocol):  An enhanced 
AppleTalk routing protocol. AURP provides improved suppor t for 
AppleTalk over wide area networks (WANs) and tunneling through 
non-AppleTalk (IP) networks. AURP features include network number 
remapping, clustering of remote network numbers, and hop count 
backbone:  A network topology consisting of a single length of 
cable with multiple network connection points. 
baud rate: The rate of the signaling speed of a transmission 
bit: A binar y digit; the smallest unit of data in the binar y counting 
system. A bit has a value of either 0 or 1.
bits per second (bps): A measure of the actual data transmission 
rate. The bps rate may be equal to or greater than the baud rate 
depending on the modulation technique used to encode bits into 
each baud inter val. The correct term to use when describing modem 
data transfer speeds.
bps: See 
bits per second.