Netopia r6100 참조 가이드

페이지 352
8-22  User’s Reference Guide
IPX parameters (default profile) screen
If you are using RFC1483 datalink encapsulation, the IPX Parameters (Default Profile) screen allows you to 
configure various IPX parameters for ADSL connections established without an explicitly configured connection 
For details on setting up IPX Parameters see 
                      IPX Parameters (Default Profile)
         NetBios Packet Forwarding:         Off
         Path Delay:                        10
         Incoming Packet Filter Set...      <<NONE>>
         Outgoing Packet Filter Set...      <<NONE>>
         Incoming SAP Filter Set...         <<NONE>>
         Outgoing SAP Filter Set...         <<NONE>>
         Periodic RIP Timer:                60
         Periodic SAP Timer:                60