Champion eucc series 사용자 가이드

페이지 241
Basic Service ________________
Electrical Service
Basic Service • Electrical
Timer Operation continued:
After the ware passes the Electric Eye the Pump Timer continues to count down.  The Pump Timer output
remains energized until the preset time period elapses.  When the timer output is deenergized the items
listed above are turned off.  In addition the Rinse Timer is reset.
The Rinse Timer begins to count down when the EER contact closes.  At the end of the preset time
period the output changes state and the following components start or become energized: Rinse Aid
Signal, Econo Rinse Motor, and Final Rinse Valve
When the Rinse Timer is triggered the timer output changes state the items listed above are turned off.
If additional items enter the machine before the Pump Timer counts down the Pump Timer is reset and
starts to count down again.  Because the Rinse Timer does not reset until the Pump Timer counts down,
as long as items are placed on the conveyor before the pump timer has timed out the Rinse Timer output
will not change keeping the rinse on.
4.  Machine Condition:
Power On, Doors Closed, Tanks Full, Tanks Heated,
Drive Running, Pumps Running
Abnormal Operation:
If a door is opened the 1CR relay deenergizes.  The CR relay is deenergized and the machine stops.
Tank heaters are deenergized.  The Booster Heater continues to operate.  Closing the door allows the
tank heaters to operate.  Pressing the start button restarts the machine.  The drive motor and pumps
restart.  The timers resume counting where they left off.
If the conveyor Switch is opened the Drive motor and pumps stop.  The Tank Heaters and Booster
heaters continue to operate.  When the conveyor Switch is closed the Drive motor and pumps restart.
The timers resume counting where they left off.
Pressing the Stop button deenergizes the CR relay.  The Drive motor and pumps stop.  The Tank Heaters
and Booster heaters continue to operate.  When the Start button is pressed the CR relay is reenergized
and the Drive motor and pumps restart.  The timers resume counting where they left off.
5.  The following applies to any tank at any time after initial fill is complete:
Tank Level Control:
If the tank level falls and the upper float switch opens nothing will happen.  If the tank level continues to
fall and the lower float switch opens the associated fill switch relay is deenergized and the tank heaters
contactors are deenergized.  The tank fill valve opens.
As the tank refills and the lower float switch is closed nothing will happen.  When the tank is full the upper
float switch closes and the fill switch relay is energized.  The fill valve deenergizes and closes.  The tank
heater contactors are now controlled by the thermostat.