Motorola m500 사용자 설명서

페이지 70
Tags are used to store the properties information about a digital audio file (size, type, rate, etc.). This information is 
displayed at the bottom of the LCD during playback of each song; refer to the sample Play screens in Chapter 
Occasionally this information might not display properly, especially if a file was downloaded from a site outside of the 
region in which you normally use the player. You may find it necessary to change the tag setting in order to see this 
information. Changing a tag setting, however, may then cause other information to display improperly, so change tag 
settings only if necessary. 
1   Open MENU by pressing Thumbstick to  . 
2   Move Thumbstick to select Settings.  
3   Press Thumbstick in.  
4   Move Thumbstick to select Tags. A warning message will be displayed about changing tag formats. 
5   Press Thumbstick in.  
6   Move Thumbstick Forward (
) and Reverse (
) to select the desired encoding options. 
7   When the options are set as you want, press Thumbstick in. 
8   Press Forward (
) to save settings and Reverse (
) to cancel them. 
The tag formats available are ASCII (the most commonly used), UTF-8, and JIS (a Japanese format). Changing the 
tag will not affect the rest of the LCD display.