Garmin 530 사용자 가이드

페이지 198
The last page in the NRST group, the Nearest Airspace Page, provides information for up to nine con-
trolled or special-use airspaces near or in your fl ight path. Airspace information appears on this page based 
upon the same criteria used for airspace alert messages. Nearby airspace information and airspace alert mes-
sages are provided according to the following conditions:
• If your projected course takes you inside an airspace within the next ten minutes, the message 
“Airspace ahead -- less than 10 minutes” appears.
• If you are within two nautical miles of an airspace and your current course is such that it will take 
you inside that airspace, the message “Airspace near and ahead” appears.
• If you are within two nautical miles of an airspace and your current course is such that it will not 
take you inside that airspace, the message “Near airspace less than 2nm” appears.
• If you have entered an airspace, the message “Inside Airspace” appears. 
By default, airspace alert messages are turned off. When turned on, the message (MSG) annunciator 
located directly above the MSG key fl ashes to alert you to the airspace message (see page 147 for information 
on enabling airspace alert messages.).
To view an airspace alert message:
1. Press the MSG key. The message page appears with the alert message.
2. Press MSG again to return to the previous display.
Note that the airspace alerts are based upon three-dimensional data (latitude, longitude and altitude) to 
avoid nuisance alerts. The alert boundaries for controlled airspace are also sectorized to provide complete 
information on any nearby airspace. Additional information about a nearby airspace — such as controlling 
agency, frequency and fl oor/ceiling limits — is available from the nearest airspace page (see page 121 and 
illustrations shown at left).
When an airspace alert occurs, the message (MSG) 
annunciator fl ashes at the bottom of the screen. 
Press MSG to view the alert message.
To view additional information about the airspace, 
select the nearest airspace page. Detailed informa-
tion is available by highlighting the airspace name 
and pressing ENT.
Special-use/Controlled Air space
i-60.indd   18
4/11/2003, 8:56:06 AM