Garmin 530 사용자 가이드

페이지 198
The “Setup Map?” option (described on page 35) allows you to defi ne the maximum scale at which 
each map feature appears. This provides you with complete control to minimize screen clutter. You can also 
quickly remove items from the map using the CLR key.
To quickly declutter the map display, press the CLR key momentarily (as often as needed) 
to select the desired amount of map detail.
Five user-selectable data fi elds can be added to the right-hand side of the Map Page. By default, the dis-
played data is destination waypoint name (WPT), desired track (DTK), ground track (TRK), distance to des ti-
nation waypoint (DIS) and ground speed (GS). Adding these data fi elds or changing the data types is outlined 
on pages 37-38.
Map Panning
Another Map Page function is panning, which allows you to move the map beyond its current limits 
without adjusting the map scale. When you select the panning function — by pressing the small right knob
— a target pointer fl ashes on the map display. A window also appears at the top of the map display showing 
the latitude/longitude position of the pointer, plus the bearing and distance to the pointer from your present 
To select the panning function and pan the map display:
1. Press the small right knob to activate the panning target pointer.
2. Rotate the small right knob to move up (rotate clockwise) or down (counterclockwise).
3. Rotate the large right knob to move right (rotate clockwise) or left (counterclockwise).
4.  To cancel the panning function and return to your present position, press the small right knob.
When the target pointer is placed on an object, the name of that object is highlighted (even if the name 
wasn’t originally displayed on the map). This feature applies to airports, navaids, user-created waypoints, 
roads, lakes, rivers — just about everything displayed on the map except route lines.
When an airport, navaid, or user waypoint is selected on the map display, you can review in formation
about the waypoint or designate the waypoint as your direct-to destination.
To quickly declutter the map, press CLR. Continue 
pressing CLR to select the desired declutter level. 
Note the scale is followed “-1”, “-2” or “-3”.
Map Page
Panning the map lets you look beyond the bound-
aries of the current map area without changing the 
scale. Start by pressing the small right knob.
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