Nortel 2350 참조 가이드

페이지 480
42 Working with the WLAN Management Software User Interface
NN47250-102 (320666-G Version 02.01)
Sites (displayed by the RF Planning tool bar option)—Named sets of buildings and floors where Nortel equipment 
is deployed.
The tree that is displayed depends on the active tool bar option. (See 
To expand the view of an object in the tree, click on the plus sign next to the object. For example, to display the 
buildings in a site, click on the plus sign next to the site name. To display the floors in the building, click next to the 
building name, and so on.
Alerts Panel
The Alerts panel displays summary statistics for configuration changes or errors and for rogue devices. Click on a 
statistic to open the related tab in the Content panel. The Alerts panel is located on the left side of the main window, 
below the Content panel.
To navigate to more information and correct the warning or error, click on the arrow to expand the panel, then click on 
the statistic to open the corresponding tab in the Content panel. 
Content Panel
The Content panel displays information or configuration settings, based on the selected tool bar option. The Content 
panel is located to the right of the Organizer panel. (See 
The Policies, RF Planning, and Configuration tool bar options display configuration fields. After selecting one of these 
tool bar options, you can click on a policy, WSS, or site object in the Organizer panel to display and configure settings 
for that object. 
(For more information about the tool bar options, see 
Saving or Discarding Configuration Changes
When you select the Policies, RF Planning, or Configuration tool bar option, the Content panel contains a Save button 
and a Discard button.
Save—Click Save to send unsaved configuration changes to WLAN Management Software Services to save in the 
network plan. The WLAN Management Software client buffers configuration changes you make to a policy, WSS, 
or site until you click Save or save the network plan. When you click Save, the client sends all buffered 
configuration changes. 
Discard—Click Discard to undo all buffered changes. 
The Save and Discard buttons are grayed out unless there are unsaved changes. 
Configuration wizards have a Finish or OK button, which saves the configuration items you type or select in the wizard.