Nortel 2350 참조 가이드

페이지 480
Optimizing a Network Plan 445
Nortel WLAN—Management Software 2300 Series Reference Guide
If the measurements came from a site survey file, they are measurements between the 
portable AP (LOS point) and the PC running the site survey tool. If the measurements 
came from AP radios in the network, they are measurements between AP radios.
The Total number of objects that will be corrected line indicates the number of 
measurements that did experience attenuation. For existing RF objects, WLAN 
Management Software corrects the attenuation to match the results. 
For RF obstacles created by WLAN Management Software, the description is 
auto-generated and the obstacle type is Other. You can edit these values by selecting the 
obstacle, clicking the Edit properties icon to open the Modify RF Obstacle wizard, and 
modifying the values. Click OK to close the wizard and save the changes. (See 
. The wizard is the same whether it is labeled 
Create or Modify.)
Click Finish.
If the imported RSSI values do not match the values predicated by WLAN Management Software, WLAN 
Management Software looks for an RF obstacle in the plan that might be causing attenuation, and adjusts its 
attenuation value in the plan so that the predicted RSSI matches the measured RSSI. However, the following 
should be noted:
The Optimize feature adjusts attenuation values only if the network plan has an RF obstacle in the line of 
sight between measurement points (for example, between APs that made the measurements). WLAN 
Management Software does not create an obstacle to account for the RSSI if one does not already exist.
Only one obstacle between any two measurement points is adjusted, even if there are multiple obstacles 
between the measurement points.
The measurements reflect how well the measuring APs can hear one another, and do not directly measure how 
well clients can hear the APs. For example, if the APs are mounted on the ceiling, attenuation of their signals 
to one another might be less than the attenuation of the same signals when received by clients on desktops in 
cubicles and offices.
Locating and Fixing Coverage Holes
After you import RF measurements and optimize, you can look for coverage holes by displaying coverage.
Locating a Coverage Hole
Select the RF Planning option in the main WLAN Management Software tool bar.
Display the floor plan in the Content panel.
In the Show RF coverage using listbox, select how you want to display the coverage:
Baseline Association Rate—Coverage is shown based on the AP radio baseline 
association rate. The baseline association rate is the typical data rate the radio is 
expected to support for client associations. (The baseline association rate is specified 
during planning, on a coverage area basis.) 
Data Rate—Coverage is shown in colored bands that represent each of the data 
transmit rates supported by the radio. These rates are standard for each radio type.