Nortel 2350 사용자 가이드

페이지 758
84 Managing User Passwords
NN47250-500 (320657-F Version 02.01)
Configuring Passwords
To configure passwords, you can perform the following tasks:
Set a password for a user in the local database.
Enable restrictions on password usage.
Set the maximum number of failed login attempts
Specify the minimum password length allowed. 
Set the time duration, before password expiration.
Restore access to a user, that is locked out of the system.
Setting passwords for local users 
To configure a user password in the local database, type the following command:
set user username password [encrypted] password
For example, to configure user Jose with the password spRin9 in the local database on the WSS, type the following 
WSS# set user Jose password spRin9
success: User Jose created
The encrypted option indicates that the password string is the encrypted form of the password. Use this option only if 
you do not want WSS to encrypt the password for you.
By default, usernames and passwords in the local database are not case-sensitive. Passwords can be case-sensitive by 
activating password restrictions.
To clear a user from the local database, type the following command:
clear user username
Enabling password restrictions
To activate password restrictions for network and administrative users, use the following command:
set authentication password-restrict {enable | disable}
When the above command is enabled, the following password restrictions takes effect:
Passwords must be a minimum of 10 characters in length. It should be a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, 
numbers, and special characters, including at least two of each (for example, Tre%Pag32!).
A user cannot reuse any of his or her 10 previous passwords (not applicable to network users).
When a user changes his or her password, at least 4 characters must be different from the previous password.
The password restrictions are disabled by default. When you enable them, WSS evaluates the passwords configured on 
the WSS and a list of users with passwords appears, that does not meet the restriction on length and character types.