Lowrance 540c baja 작동 가이드

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marker icons, trails and routes. This lets you look back the way you came. 
Think of this data storage like the hard drive memory in a computer or a 
tape in a cassette tape recorder. You can save several different GPS data 
files, erase 'em and record new ones, over and over again. Like any com-
puter file, these GPS Data Files (file format *.usr) can be shared be-
tween Lowrance GPS units or even personal computers. 
This GlobalMap 540c has one more thing in common with a personal 
computer. Just as computers have a floppy disk drive for storing and ex-
changing files, the unit has a slot for an MMC (MultiMedia Card) or SD 
(Secure Digital card) flash memory card. These solid-state memory de-
vices are about the size of a postage stamp, but can hold data ranging 
from 8 MB to 2 GB in size. (Compare that to a floppy disk's 1.44 MB ca-
pacity!) This unit uses all that MMC space for two key GPS purposes. 
First, you can backup your onboard GPS Data Files by copying them to 
the MMC. Since the MMC is removable (like a floppy disk or a cassette 
tape), you can store these GPS Data Files on a personal computer 
equipped with an MMC card reader. (Or store them on a pocketful of 
MMCs, if you don't have a computer.) Our MapCreate mapping software 
can save, edit or create its own GPS Data Files, which can be copied to the 
MMC and then loaded from the MMC into the unit's memory. (NOTE: No 
matter where they come from, GPS Data Files must be loaded from the 
MMC into memory before the GlobalMap 540c can use them.) 
The other key GPS use for MMCs is storage of special high-detail, cus-
tom maps, which you can produce on your computer with our MapCre-
ate software. These MapCreate custom maps contain much greater de-
tail than the basic background map. These Custom Map Files (file 
format *.lcm) can also be shared between Lowrance GPS units and per-
sonal computers. 
This unit automatically reads Custom Map Files directly from the 
MMC or SD card. To use a custom map, all you need to do is slide an 
MMC containing a map into the GlobalMap 540c. 
Introduction to GPS and WAAS 
Well, now you know the basics of how the unit does its work. You might 
be ready to jump ahead to Section 2, Installation & Accessories, on page 
11, so you can mount your GlobalMap 540c BAJA and plug in the 
power. Or you might want to see how our text formatting makes the 
manual tutorials easy to skim. If that's the case, move on to "How to 
Use This Manual" on page 8.