Mobile Crossing map loader 사용자 설명서

페이지 32
Tap the Map Tools entry on the main menu to bring up the 
Tools menu and select Purchase Maps. The screen shown 
in Figure 7 will appear.
Figure 7. Purchase Maps screen
Select one or more map regions by selecting them from the 
pull-down menu at the top of the screen. Tap the Add to 
 button to place the ones you want in the shopping cart. 
The name of this button will change to Remove from Cart
The region you selected will be added to the Select Maps. 
The total price of the purchase will be shown. The 
descriptions for each region is shown in the Region 
description chapter.
Tip: If you tap the map regions pull-down menu twice it will 
remain selected. You can use the thumb wheel or cursor 
keys to scroll through the list. This is often easier to control 
that try to scroll the list with the stylus.
The New Version button will appear if there is another 
version of the maps available. You do not need to upgrade 
when a new version is available but all loaded maps must be 
of the same version.