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페이지 883
FTP Configuration
Only the clients who have passed the authentication and authorization can access 
the FTP server.
CAUTION: When using the file manager or IE browser to perform the FTP 
operations, you are recommended to input the user name and password in the 
address column in the following format: ftp://username:password@URL. If you 
input the URL of the FTP site you want to connect directly, the login may fail 
because of the bugs in the file manager or in the IE browser.
Configuring the Running 
Parameters of FTP Server
You can use the following commands to configure the connection timeout of the 
FTP server. If the FTP server receives no service request from the FTP client for a 
period of time, it will cut the connection to it, thereby avoiding the illegal access 
from the unauthorized users. The period of time is FTP connection timeout.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
By default, the FTP server connection timeout is 30 minutes.
Delete local FTP user (in system view) 
undo local-user { username | all [ 
service-type { ftp | lan-access | telnet | ppp 
ssh | terminal } ] | multicast [ domain 
domain-name ] ipaddress | 
password-display-mode } 
Set the password display mode when the 
switch displays local user information 
local-user password-display-mode { auto | 
cipher-force } 
Restore the password display mode when the 
switch displays local user information 
undo local-user password-display-mode 
Configure password for local user(local user 
password { cipher | simple } password 
Configure service type for local user(local user 
service-type { ftp [ ftp-directory directory ] | 
lan-access | ppp [ call-numbecall-number | 
callback-nocheck | callback-number 
callback-number ] | ssh [ level level | telnet | 
terminal ] | telnet [ level level | ssh | 
terminal ] | terminal [ level level | ssh | 
telnet ] } 
Cancel password for local user(local user view)  undo password 
Cancel authorization information for FTP 
user(local user view) 
undo service-type { ftp [ ftp-directory 
directory ] | lan-access | ppp [ call-numbe
call-number | callback-nocheck | 
callback-number callback-number ] | ssh [ 
level level | telnet | terminal ] | telnet [ level 
level | ssh | terminal ] | terminal [ level level | 
ssh | telnet ] }
Table 755   Configure the FTP Server Authentication and Authorization
Operation Command 
Table 756   Configuring FTP server connection timeout
Configure FTP server connection timeouts 
ftp timeout minute 
Restoring the default FTP server connection timeouts 
undo ftp timeout