Polycom EX 릴리스 노트

페이지 8
Release Notes
ViewStation EX/FX/VS4000, Version 6.0.5
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If both connections on port 24 are active and there is no room for another incoming 
connection, then the ViewStation EX/FX/VS4000 system properly refuses this incoming 
connection with a Port Disconnect message. 
Corrected Issues
The following table lists issues corrected in version 6.0.5.
Address Book
An Address Book file left over from the 
ViewStation EX/FX/VS4000 release 4.2 did not use the 
proper speed to call. This has been corrected.
The system address book has been updated to provide a 
new ISDN phone number for the Polycom Austin location. 
The 6.0.5 Softupdate package will automatically provide 
the user with the new number after the upgrade is finished.
When the alternate PTZ camera was used for a snapshot, 
it went back and forth to the home location before or after 
the snapshot. This has been corrected.
If a user registered with a gatekeeper and made the 
system an IP-only system by unplugging the network cable 
between the ViewStation EX/FX/VS4000 system and PRI 
module, the PRI icon and the gatekeeper icon on the main 
screen alternately flashed yellow. This has been corrected 
to show the PRI icon red and the gatekeeper icon green.
Internal MCU
When in a point-to-point call with VSX
 systems at call 
speeds of 384K or less and using the H.264 video protocol, 
the ViewStation EX/FX/VS4000 system had trouble 
negotiating video down to H.263 after adding another site 
and becoming an MCU. This issue has been corrected.
When a ViewStation EX/FX/VS4000 system was operating 
as an MCU in a three-way or four-way mixed protocol 
conference, if the user hung up one of the H.320 systems, 
sometimes video would freeze at the other sites and not 
recover unless an action occurred in the UI to force the 
MCU to renegotiate caps with the other active sites. This 
has been corrected.