Avaya 6402 사용자 설명서

페이지 74
This option determines which method is used to control the flow of data from your data terminal
to the ADM.
When you select xon/xoff, the ADM sends your data terminal an xoff character (with current
parity) when it is not ready to receive data.  The ADM sends an xon character (with current
parity) to your data terminal when it is ready to receive data.  This setting is appropriate for most
Select eia, if you want the ADM to use the Clear-to-Send (CTS) lead to indicate whether it is
ready to receive data from your data terminal.  When it is not ready to receive data from your
terminal, the ADM turns off CTS.  When it is ready to receive data, it turns on CTS.
When you select off, the ADM cannot control the flow of data from your data terminal.
Once the ADM sends an xoff character or turns off CTS, it will continue to accept up to 30 more
characters of data from the data terminal.
Option Values:  128, 256
Applicable Data Protocols:  BV64I, BV56I
The V.120 packet size option determines the maximum number of data characters transmitted in
a V.120 I-frame.  In general, greater throughput may be achieved by using 256 character packets,
however some other V.120 endpoints may not accept this packet size.
If this option is changed during an active data call, it will not take effect until the next data call.
Option Values:  1 through 7 (default = 3)
Applicable Data Protocols:  BV64I, BV56I
The V.120 window size option determines the maximum number of outstanding
(unacknowledged) V.120 I-frames. Under normal circumstances you should not need to change
this option value.
If this option is changed during an active data call, it will not take effect until the next data call.
*  For a Mode 2 call, this option is in effect only at the high-speed endpoint (see Match.speed).
Chapter 4