Avaya 18d 연결 가이드

페이지 318
Using AT&TSet
Before allowing you to program (that is, write to) another extension, AT&TSet
prompts you specify the following information:
the extension that you want to program
whether you want to read the programming from the extension
the type of telephone at that extension
If you specify that you want to read the programming of the other extension,
AT&TSet then prompts you to specify which items you want to read from that
extension (for example, button programming). AT&TSet then reads the
programming from the extension that you want to program and displays the
current programming for that extension in the telephone configuration you
specify. For example, suppose you want to program extension 14, which is an
MLS-12 telephone. When prompted, you specify that you want AT&TSet to
read the button programming for extension 14 and display the information in
an MLS-12 file. AT&TSet then reads the programming for extension 14 and
displays the current programming in an MLS-12 file on your PC screen. In a
way, it is as if your PC is connected to the extension that you are
programming. When you make changes and write this file to the telephone,
these changes are written to the telephone of the extension you are
programming; these changes do not affect the telephone at your own
If you do not specify AT&TSet to read the programming from the other
extension, you will receive a new, blank file in the telephone configuration that
you specify. For example, if you specified that the extension had an MLS-12D,
AT&TSet displays an MLS-12D file with none of the buttons programmed.
When programming extensions that have standard telephones,
select the same telephone you have as the telephone type for the
extension. For standard telephones, you can program only the
Personal Speed Dial List (if supported by your PARTNER
system), Automatic Line selection, and line ringing options.