Sony VGN-A130P 매뉴얼

페이지 315
Protecting data on Memory Stick media 
Some Memory Stick
 media are equipped with a write-protect tab
information recorded on your Memory Stick media. When you slide the write-protect tab to the LOCK position, your Memory
Stick media is write-protected. You cannot delete, copy, or save information on the media while the write-protect tab in the
LOCK position. When you slide the tab to the un-LOCK position, you can write to or modify your Memory Stick media's
Write-protect off 
Data can be saved on the Memory Stick media. 
Write-protect on 
Data can be read from but not saved on the Memory Stick media. 
  Using the Write- Protect Tab 
 Some M emory Stic k media do not have a write-protec t tab, and the loc ation or pos ition of the write-protec t tab may vary, depending on the type of M emory
Stic k media. See the information s heet provided with your M emory Stic k media. 
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