Canon PRISMAdirect 매뉴얼

페이지 158
Add or edit an LDAP server
Click [Add] or [Edit] to open the [Edit LDAP server settings] dialog.
When you add a new LDAP server you have to configure the LDAP server settings.
You can configure the LDAP server(s) in this dialogue.
[Domain name for LDAP
You can define a custom name for the LDAP server. The custom
name must be unique.
An LDAP server can be used for Windows authentication
of users.
[Credentials policy: ]
The credentials policy defines which credentials are used by the
JDF Framework service to connect to the LDAP server.
[Use common credentials] is the default value for the
drop-down list. This value can always be used for each
LDAP server.
You can select one of the following credential policies:
• [Use common credentials]
These are the credentials that are stored in the global settings
of the LDAP server. These credentials are used for each connec-
ted LDAP server. These credentials are not defined in the appli-
cation by the user.
[Use common credentials] is the default value for the drop-
down list. This value can always be used for each LDAP server.
• [Use the credentials which are stored on the LDAP server]
These are the credentials that you define in [LDAP server user
name:] and [LDAP user password:].
• [Use the credentials of the Windows user who runs the JDF
Framework service]
You can select this credential policy only for Secure-based au-
thentication types. This credential policy supports Integrated
Windows Authentication (IWA) only.
These credentials are defined by the user during the installation
of the application. The Windows user can be DocWorker, a local
user, or a selected domain user.
You can identify the Windows user who runs the JDF Frame-
work in the Services dialogue of Microsoft Windows:
.\JdfFramework: local user
.\DocWorker: DocWorker
Secure authentication type
Add or edit an LDAP server
Chapter 3 - Web server
PRISMAdirect v1.2