Canon KJ13x6B KRSD 브로셔

페이지 2
P R O F E S S I O N A L   P R O D U C T S
KJ22ex7.6B Series
Price-performance designed for today’s 
cost-effective HD camcorders
Generous range of focal lengths, 
wide fi eld of view, lightweight design
KJ17ex7.7B Series
Generous range of focal lengths, 
wide fi eld of view, lightweight design
 Totally re-designed Digital Drive unit
KJ10ex4.5B IRSE
Cost-effective, high-performance 
HD ENG lens
Focal lengths of up to 45mm (90mm with
extender) and 93.7º wide fi eld of view
KH21ex5.7 IRSE
For portable HD cameras with 
  1/2-inch imagers
Focal lengths of up to 120mm 
(240mm with extender); 
62.9º wide-angle view
KJ20x8.2B IRSD
Features a built-in 2x extender, typically 
found in higher-end HD lenses
Provides high performance/value for 
lightweight 2/3-inch image cameras
KJ20x8.5B KRSD A
Features Canon’s cost-effective 
ergonomic Shuttle Shot drive unit
Very cost-effective and lightweight HD 
zoom lens for 2/3-inch imager cameras
Provides an exceptional 77.3º wide 
fi eld of view; weighs only 3.5 lbs.
Focal lengths of up to 78mm; 
for 2/3-inch imager cameras
KH20x6.4 KRSD
For specifi c brand/models of 1/2-inch imager 
HD cameras; provides wide-angle imaging
Features Canon’s cost-effective 
ergonomic Shuttle Shot drive unit
KH13x4.5 KRSD
Provides 75.7º wide fi eld of view; 
focal lengths of up to 59mm
For 1/2-inch imager HD cameras; 
weighs only 3.5 lbs.
KH19x6.7 KAS
For a specifi c brand of 1/2-inch imager 
HD cameras; wide-angle capture; only 2.8 lbs.
Features interface to special Auto-Focus 
system for particular camera brand
For a specifi c brand of 1/3-inch 
imager HDV camcorders
Features Canon’s cost-effective 
ergonomic Shuttle Shot drive unit
Production Platform 2: Signifi cant Cost-Reduction HD Portable Lenses
Production Platform 3: Lowest Cost Possible With Great HD Performance  
KH16ex5.7 IRSE
For portable HD cameras 
  with 1/2-inch imagers
Focal lengths of up to 91mm 
(182mm with extender); 
62.9º wide-angle view
KH10ex3.6 IRSE
Widest angle of view 
(88° horizontal) 
among Canon’s 
1/2-inch imager lenses
Lightweight; minimum 
chromatic aberrations 
and low geometric distortion 
(at widest angle)
KT17ex4.3B IRSE
For portable HD cameras 
with 1/3-inch imagers
Focal lengths of up to 73mm 
(146mm with extender); 
62.6º wide-angle view
©2012  Canon  U.S.A.,  Inc.  All  rights  reserved.  Not  responsible  for  typographical  errors.  Specifi cations  subject  to  change 
without notice. Canon is a registered trademark of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be a trademark or registered 
trademark  in  other  countries.  IMAGEANYWARE  is  a  trademark  of  Canon.  All  other  products  and  brand  names  may  be 
registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of their respective owners in the United States and/or other countries.
For more info:
Call 1-800-321-HDTV (1-800-321-4388)