Cisco Cisco MGX Service Resource Module Enhanced [SRM-E] 백서

페이지 32
Technical Overview 
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Page 26 of 3 
    if { [catch {set output [exec -- curl -s\ 
                 -d "xml_cmd=<request_raw>${cmd}</request_raw>"] } error] } 
  puts "Problem with exec: $error" 
  exit 0 
    return $output 
# Get a list of contexts from Admin context 
set contexts [split [issue_command "show context | inc Name"] \n] 
foreach line $contexts { 
    if { [regexp {Name: (.*) ,} $line - context] } { 
  puts "Getting config for $context" 
  set out [issue_command "changeto $context\nshow conn count"] 
  if { [regexp {<xml_show_result>(.*)</xml_show_result>} $out - 
running_config]} { 
      set fp [open "${context}.cfg" w+] 
      puts $fp $running_config 
      close $fp 
II.  XML Script Example (resource usage) 
# Global login credentials 
set user "username" 
set pass "password" 
# Global mgmt IP address of Admin context 
set mgmt_ip "xx.xx.xx.xx" 
# this procedure will execute a curl command to send the XML 
# command to ACE.  If the command fails to execute properly, 
# the script will exit with and error. 
# If the command executes with no problem, then the output 
# of the XML command is returned