Fujifilm Dirasol 22 제품 데이터시트

페이지 4
Environmental Data
Dirasol Emulsions:
•   Do not contain ozone depleting chemicals as described in the
Montreal Convention.
•   Are moderately biodegradable as determined by the OECD
301D Closed Bottle Test, to solvent-based products.
a.   Accidental exposure - Check emulsion and coated screen have not been exposed to light source or daylight.
b.  Screen dried with excessive heat - Dry at temperature not exceeding 40°C. Avoid hot spots.
c.  Maximum storage life of sensitised emulsion or coated screen exceeded.
a.  Uneven coating on screen - Ensure screen is taut and coating trough is undamaged.
b.  Montage positives comprised of films of different clarity - Use same type film for image area.
c.  Exposure time excessive for detail areas of design - Use dyed mesh or reduce exposure.
d.  Uneven contact - Check vacuum frame for contact between positives and screen.
e.  Over-exposure - Reduce exposure time.
f.  Inadequate positive opacity - Check density and adjust.
a.  Inadequate washing out - Mop up excess water from stencils.
b.   Inadequate exposure resulting in emulsion on squeegee side of stencil running down screen causing blocking
during development or hardening.
c.  Uneven coating on screen - Ensure screen is taut and coating trough undamaged.
a.   Inadequate exposure - Dyed, multifilament and stainless steel meshes or multiple coatings all require longer
exposure. A brown stained mesh after reclaiming indicates under-exposure.
b.  Emulsion under-sensitised - Ensure sensitiser is dissolved and completely mixed with emulsion.
c.  Mesh improperly prepared and degreased.
d.  Excessive water pressure being used in development.
e.  Incorrect coating technique - Coat both sides of mesh.
f.  Stencil not properly dried - Ensure moisture can escape when drying.
a.  Screen developed with excessive water pressure - Pre-soak screen and use gentle spray.
b.  Light scatter - Used dyed mesh.
c.  Insufficient contact - Ensure even contact between positive and screen.
d.  Mesh too coarse for design.
e.  Insufficient build of emulsion - Coat squeegee side last.
f.  Inadequate exposure - Increase exposure.
a.  Screen improperly prepared - Thoroughly degrease with Xtend Prep 102 or 300.
b.   Blemishes on coating - Ensure coating trough edge is clean and no skin particles have formed on surface of
uncovered emulsion in the trough.
c.  Environmental contaminants - Clean working area and limit dust contamination.
a.  Dirty glass or positive during exposure.
b.  Coating too fast - Slow down to allow mesh aperture to fully fill without aeration.
c.  Air bubbles in emulsion - Allow time to degas after mixing with sensitiser.
d.  Under-exposure - Increase exposure times to avoid weak stencil.
1.  Image does not wash out.
2.   Only part of image washes
3.   Apparently open areas of
stencil will not print.
4. Exposed stencil washing
away from screen
or premature stencil
5.   Image has excessive
6. Fish Eyes
7. Pinholes in Screen
Problems and Solutions
Probable Cause and Remedies
The information and recommendations contained in this Product Information sheet, as well as technical advice otherwise given by representatives of Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems Limited 
and its associated companies, whether verbally or in writing, are based on our present knowledge and believed to be accurate. However, no guarantee regarding their accuracy is given as 
we cannot cover or anticipate every possible application of our products and because manufacturing methods, printing stocks and other materials vary. For the same reason our products 
are sold without warranty and on condition that users shall make their own tests to satisfy themselves that they will meet fully their particular requirements. Our policy of continuous product 
improvement might make some of the information contained in this Product Information sheet out of date and users are requested to ensure that they follow current recommendations.
Pysons Road, Broadstairs
Kent CT10 2LE
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1843 866668
F: +44 (0)1843 872184
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