Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

페이지 210
Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal describes the CVP reporting server,
including how to configure and manage it, and discusses the hosted database.
Say It Smart Specifications for Cisco Unified CVP VXML Server and Unified Call Studio
describes in detail the functionality and configuration options for all Say It Smart plugins
included with the software.
Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal describes how to isolate
and solve problems in the Unified CVP solution.
User Guide for Cisco Unified CVP VXML Server and Unified Call Studio describes the
functionality of Call Studio including creating projects, using the Call Studio environment,
and deploying applications to the Unified CVP VXML Server.
For additional information about Unified ICM, see the 
en/US/products/sw/custcosw/ps1001/tsd_products_support_series_home.html) listing Unified
ICM documentation.
This manual uses the following conventions:
Boldface font is used to indicate commands, such as user entries,
keys, buttons, and folder and submenu names. For example:
boldface font
Choose Edit > Find.
Click Finish.
Italic font is used to indicate the following:
italic font
To introduce a new term. Example: A skill group is a
collection of agents who share similar skills.
For emphasis. Example: Do not use the numerical naming
A syntax value that the user must replace. Example: IF
(condition, true-value, false-value)
A book title. Example: See the Cisco CRS Installation Guide.
Window font, such as Courier, is used for the following:
window font
Text as it appears in code or that the window displays.
<html><title>Cisco Systems,Inc. </
Getting Started with Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 8.0(0)