Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal 8.0(1) 개발자 가이드

페이지 187
 voice element is used to capture and confirm input from the caller, based on application
designer-specified grammars. The valid caller inputs can be specified either directly in the voice element settings (which
will create an inline grammar) or with external grammar files. Information returned by the grammar are saved in element
data that then can be analyzed by developer-defined components. A 
 voice element can be
configured to listen for voice input only, DTMF input only, or both voice and DTMF input. In short, the
 element is the most flexible of included elements that have confirmation menus as it allows
almost any custom information to be captured and confirmed without requiring a separate voice element. If a Unified
CVP or third-party voice element does not capture and confirm the information desired, one can always use a
 element before embarking on constructing a custom voice element.
 element provides support for custom control over the VoiceXML code generation. For
example, the developer can decide what name to use for the VoiceXML field, whether or not to include a field-level
slot attribute and how to name the slot attribute. The element also supports separate options for activating help prompts
and the ability to set modality for Form.
Multiple DTMF and speech external grammars can be referenced within a single 
 element, and
the application designer has the ability to specify grammar weights for speech grammars and set MIME types for both
speech and DTMF grammars. Additionally, the Form_With_Confirm element can be used to capture multiple slots,
and the developer can specify for which slot(s) they want the recognition values stored as element data. N-best processing
can be enabled, and standard n-best results are stored in element data and the activity log.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Element Specifications for Cisco Unified CVP VXML Server and Cisco Unified Call Studio Release 8.0(1)
 Chapter 26