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 API Introduction
XML 3.1
The philosophy behind the XML API is to provide as much of the functionality found in the Java 
API as possible in a way that can be accessed by non-Java developers. This is managed by using 
XML, which can be produced and parsed easily, and by using HTTP connections, which can be 
handled by many different programming languages. Interpreted languages such as Perl or PHP 
are just as effective in interfacing using this API as other languages such as ASP or CGI via 
The API works in a similar fashion as the Java API. CVP VoiceXML Server creates one or more 
XML documents and places their contents in POST arguments in an HTTP request. These 
documents contain the same environment information available through the Java Session API 
classes. This request is sent to a developer-specified URL whose purpose is to produce an XML 
document and return it as the HTTP response. As with the Java API, the XML documents 
returned by various components differ to reflect the different functionality each component 
possesses. All these XML documents comprise the XML API. The DTDs for the XML API 
documents are found in the 
 directory in Server. The DTDs exist as a reference, a 
DOCTYPE line is not required in either request or response XML documents. The format of 
each XML document will be described in detail in each component’s section in this document.  
A component using the Java API has the ability to access methods that interface with CVP 
VoiceXML Server whenever needed. The XML API, since it is executed over HTTP in a request 
/ response fashion does not have that luxury. The Server does not know in advance what session 
information the component will need. Providing a separate interface for every piece of 
information desired would cause unnecessary overhead since a component could potentially 
access this information dozens of times, each time requiring a new HTTP request and response. 
To resolve this issue, the Server sends to the component all information in several XML 
documents passed as a POST parameters. While this may seem like a lot to put into a single 
document, especially if the component does not need more than a few pieces, a typical 
application will not possess so much session information as to adversely affect the performance 
of the XML API. 
Another consequence of the request/response mechanism for accessing the XML API is that 
while the Java API can call a method to read information and set information, the XML API 
must separate the read and write functionality. The HTTP request XML documents produced by 
CVP VoiceXML Server contains all desired information to read while the XML response sent 
back from the component specifies how to manipulate the desired information. Since the tasks 
each component can perform are different, the response XML document will differ for each 
component type. 
While the XML API provides the same functionality as the Java API, there are some small 
deficiencies. Firstly, there is additional overhead involved in the XML API since it involves the 
creation and parsing of XML as well as the overhead inherent in HTTP communications. This 
overhead, though, is not large as the XML documents involved are typically small and only a 
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