Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 개발자 가이드

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Appendix C      Migrating From CTI OS 6.0
Migrating a Visual Basic 6.0 to Use COM CIL
CTI OS Developer’s Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.0(0)
For detailed guidance on how to use the .NET CIL the developer must refer to the 
CTI Toolkit Combo Desktop .NET sample. 
Migrate to Visual Basic .NET and use CTIOS ActiveX Controls
For applications that use the CTI OS ActiveX Controls it was provided a set of 
Runtime Callable Wrapper Assemblies (RCWs) that will allow the NET Windows 
Forms and Visual Basic .NET to interact with the CTIOS ActiveX controls. The 
RCW assemblies are installed in the Global Assembly Cash (GAC) by the Cisco 
CTI OS 7.0 setup program.
Step 1
Port Build Project
Using your development environment utilities port your current application build 
project to the new platform compatible with Visual Basic .NET and made all the 
adjustments required by migration tool. For example, to port the Microsoft Visual 
Basic 6.0 *.vbp project to the new Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.vbproj format, 
open the *.vbp project selecting Open\ Project from the File command menu in 
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. For details refer to Microsoft’s Visual Studio.NET 
help on Visual Basic Concepts 
Step 2
Verify references to the CTIOS ActiveX Controls RCW Assemblies
After the migration toll finishes the new ported project must include references to 
the CTIOS ActiveX controls RCW assemblies provided in the CTIOS 7.0 Toolkit. 
Verify that the assemblies for the controls used in your application are listed under 
the project references. For each control in references there must be two entries for 
each control one prefixed with AxInterop.ControlName and Interop. 
ControlName. The RCW starting with AxIntero.p is responsible for hosting the 
ActiveX control on the .NET Windows Form and the RCW prefixed with Interop. 
Allows the Visual Basic .NET code to use the properties and methods exported by 
the control.
Step 3
Apply Ported Code Changes for Visual Basic .NET
Following the migration report applies all the suggested changes such that you 
code complies with the new Visual Basic.NET programming language. Be aware 
that there are syntactic and semantic differences between Visual Basic 6.0 and 
.NET that your application may have to change to accommodate the new model.