Cisco Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0(13)S7

페이지 16
      BGP Route-Map Continue
How to Configure BGP Route-map Continue Clauses
Cisco IOS Release 12.0(24)S, 12.3(2)T, 12.2(18)S, and 12.0(31)S
Match Operations With Continue Clauses
If a match clause does not exist in the route-map entry but a continue clause does, the continue clause 
will be automatically executed and go to the specified route-map entry. If a match clause exists in a 
route-map entry, the continue clause is executed only when a successful match occurs. When a 
successful match occurs and a continue clause exists, the route map executes the set clauses and then 
goes to the specified route-map entry. If the next route map contains a continue clause, the route map 
will execute the continue clause if a successful match occurs. If a continue clause does not exist in the 
next route map, the route map will be evaluated normally. If a continue clause exists in the next route 
map but a match does not occur, the route map will not continue and will “fall through” to the next 
sequence number if one exists. 
Set Operations With Continue Clauses 
Set clauses are saved during the match clause evaluation process and executed after the route-map 
evaluation is completed. The set clauses are evaluated and executed in the order in which they were 
configured. Set clauses are only executed after a successful match occurs, unless the route map does not 
contain a match clause. The continue statement proceeds to the specified route-map entry only after 
configured set actions are performed. If a set action occurs in the first route map and then the same set 
action occurs again, with a different value, in a subsequent route map entry, the last set action may 
override any previous set actions that were configured with the same set command unless the set 
command permits more than one value. For example, the set as-path prepend command permits more 
than one autonomous system number to be configured. 
A continue clause can be executed, without a successful match, if a route-map entry does not contain a 
match clause. 
Benefits of Continue Clauses
The benefits of this feature include the following:
Continue clauses provide a programmable method to organize and control the flow of a route map. 
Route-map configuration was linear before this feature was introduced.
Continue clauses allow you to modularize network policy configuration so that repeated policy 
definitions can be reduced within the same route-map.
How to Configure BGP Route-map Continue Clauses 
This section contains the following procedures: