Cisco Cisco 2000 Series Wireless LAN Controller 정보 가이드

페이지 17
This error message is seen on the WLC, when it receives a discovery request after it has
reached its maximum AP capacity.
If the primary controller for a LAP is not configured or if its a new out of the box LAP, it
sends out LWAPP discovery requests to all reachable controllers. If the discovery requests
reaches a controller that runs at its full AP capacity, WLC gets the requests and realizes that it
is at its maximum AP capacity, and does not respond to the request and gives this error.
Q. Where can I find more information on the LWAPP system messages?
A. Refer to Cisco Wireless LAN Controller System Message Guide, 4.2 for more information
on the LWAPP System messages.
Q. The 
Error extracting webauth files
 error message appears on
the Wireless LAN controller (WLC). What does this indicate?
A. WLC fails to load a Custom Web Authentication/Passthrough bundle if any one of the
bundled files has greater than 30 characters in the filename, which includes the file extension.
The customized web auth bundle has a limit of up to 30 characters for filenames. Ensure that
no filenames within the bundle are greater than 30 characters.
Q. Wireless LAN controllers (WLCs), running 5.2 or 6.0 code with a large
number of AP Groups, web GUI may not display all configured AP
groups. What is the issue?
A. The missing AP groups can be seen if you use the CLI show wlan ap−groups command.
Try to add one additional AP Group to the list. For example, 51 AP Groups deployed, and the
51st is missing (Page 3). Add the 52nd group, and Page 3 should appear in the Web GUI.
In order to resolve this issue, upgrade to WLC version
Related Information
Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide, Release 4.0
WiSM Troubleshooting FAQ
Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) Troubleshoot FAQ
Wireless Support Page
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Updated: Aug 21, 2008
Document ID: 91505