Cisco Cisco WAP571E Wireless-AC N Premium Dual Radio Outdoor Access Point 관리 매뉴얼

페이지 192
ACL Rule
Cisco WAP571/E Administration Guide
Choose MAC as the type of ACL from the ACL Type list. MAC ACLs control access 
based on Layer 2 criteria.
Click Add ACL.
In the ACL Rule Configuration area, configure these ACL rule parameters:
ACL Name-ACL Type—Choose the ACL to configure with the new rule.
Rule—Choose New Rule to configure a new rule for the selected ACL. 
When an ACL has multiple rules, the rules are applied to the packet or frame 
in the order in which you add them to the ACL. There is an implicit deny all 
rule as the final rule.
Action—Choose whether the ACL rule permits or denies an action.
When you choose Permit, the rule allows all traffic that meets the rule 
criteria to enter the WAP device. Traffic that does not meet the criteria is 
When you choose Deny, the rule blocks all traffic that meets the rule criteria 
from entering the WAP device. Traffic that does not meet the criteria is 
forwarded unless this rule is the final rule. Because there is an implicit deny 
all rule at the end of every ACL, traffic that is not explicitly permitted is 
Match Every Packet—If enabled, the rule, which either has a permit or 
deny action, matches the frame or packet regardless of its contents. If you 
enable this feature, you cannot configure any additional match criteria. This 
option is selected by default for a new rule. You must disable the option to 
configure other match fields.
EtherType—Choose to compare the match criteria against the value in the 
header of an Ethernet frame. You can select an EtherType keyword or enter 
an EtherType value to specify the match criteria.
Select from List—Choose one of these protocol types: appletalk, arp, 
ipv4, ipv6, ipx, netbios, pppoe.
Match to Value—Enter a custom protocol identifier to which packets are 
matched. The value is a four-digit hexadecimal number in the range of 
0600 to FFFF.
Class of Service—Enter an 802.1p user priority to compare against an 
Ethernet frame. The valid range is from 0 to 7. This field is located in the first/
only 802.1Q VLAN tag.