Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System 설치 가이드

페이지 188
Attach Mirrors After a DVD Live Upgrade 
78-4036705-01 Rev D 
Attach Mirrors After a DVD Live Upgrade 
Important: If you have performed a standalone CD upgrade and use mirrState -d to 
detach mirror, do not complete this procedure. You must use mirrState -a to attach 
mirrors as described in Upgrade a DTACS Server from a CD (on page 57). 
Complete the following procedure only if you have installed DTACS server from a 
Important: Be sure that you complete this procedure during the current maintenance 
window on the night of the server upgrade. If you wait until the following night to 
complete this procedure, the server will operate an entire day without its disk-
mirroring functions in place. 
Important Note to Consider 
You should follow the procedure in this chapter only under one of the following 
You are satisfied with the upgrade and want to commit the system changes. 
Rolling back an upgrade after completing this procedure is time-consuming and 
takes significant effort. 
You have rolled back from an unsuccessful DVD upgrade and want to 
synchronize the mirrors. 
Attaching Mirrors After a DVD Live Upgrade 
In this procedure, you will enable the server's disk-mirroring function of the server. 
Complete the following steps to log on to the DTACS server and attach the server's 
Note: It may take up to 60 minutes to complete this process. 
1  Verify that the Maintenance DVD is in the DVD drive. If the DVD has been 
removed, insert it into the DVD drive. 
2  Type df -n and then press Enter. A list of the mounted file systems appears. 
Note: The presence of /cdrom in the output confirms that the system correctly 
mounted the DVD. 
3  Log on to the DTACS Server as root user. 
4  Type /cdrom/cdrom0/s3/sai/scripts/attach_mirrors and press Enter. A 
confirmation message appears. 
5  Type y and press Enter. The system executes a script that attaches submirrors to 
their respective mirrors. 
6  When the disk-mirroring function completes, type eject cdrom and press Enter.