Cisco Cisco StadiumVision Director 라이센스 정보

페이지 2629
 * Many security scanner vendors already license Nmap technology such as  * 
 * our remote OS fingerprinting database and code, service/version         * 
 * detection system, and port scanning code.                               * 
 *                                                                         * 
 * Note that the GPL places important restrictions on "derived works", yet * 
 * it does not provide a detailed definition of that term.  To avoid       * 
 * misunderstandings, we consider an application to constitute a           * 
 * "derivative work" for the purpose of this license if it does any of the * 
 * following:                                                              * 
 * o Integrates source code from Nmap                                      * 
 * o Reads or includes Nmap copyrighted data files, such as                * 
 *   nmap-os-fingerprints or nmap-service-probes.                          * 
 * o Executes Nmap and parses the results (as opposed to typical shell or  * 
 *   execution-menu apps, which simply display raw Nmap output and so are  * 
 *   not derivative works.)                                                *  
 * o Integrates/includes/aggregates Nmap into a proprietary executable     * 
 *   installer, such as those produced by InstallShield.                   * 
 * o Links to a library or executes a program that does any of the above   * 
 *                                                                         * 
 * The term "Nmap" should be taken to also include any portions or derived * 
 * works of Nmap.  This list is not exclusive, but is just meant to        * 
 * clarify our interpretation of derived works with some common examples.  * 
 * These restrictions only apply when you actually redistribute Nmap.  For * 
 * example, nothing stops you from writing and selling a proprietary       * 
 * front-end to Nmap.  Just distribute it by itself, and point people to   * 
 * to download Nmap.                         * 
 *                                                                         * 
 * We don\xd5 t consider these to be added restrictions on top of the GPL, 
but * 
 * just a clarification of how we interpret "derived works" as it applies  * 
 * to our GPL-licensed Nmap product.  This is similar to the way Linus     * 
 * Torvalds has announced his interpretation of how "derived works"        * 
 * applies to Linux kernel modules.  Our interpretation refers only to     * 
 * Nmap - we don\xd5 t speak for any other GPL products.                       

 *                                                                         * 
 * If you have any questions about the GPL licensing restrictions on using * 
 * Nmap in non-GPL works, we would be happy to help.  As mentioned above,  * 
 * we also offer alternative license to integrate Nmap into proprietary    * 
 * applications and appliances.  These contracts have been sold to many    * 
 * security vendors, and generally include a perpetual license as well as  * 
 * providing for priority support and updates as well as helping to fund   * 
 * the continued development of Nmap technology.  Please email             * 
 * for further information.                             * 
 *                                                                         * 
 * As a special exception to the GPL terms, Insecure.Com LLC grants        * 
 * permission to link the code of this program with any version of the     * 
 * OpenSSL library which is distributed under a license identical to that  * 
 * listed in the included Copying.OpenSSL file, and distribute linked      * 
 * combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU GPL in all        * 
 * respects for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify    * 
 * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file,   * 
 * but you are not obligated to do so.                                     * 
 *                                                                         * 
 * If you received these files with a written license agreement or         * 
 * contract stating terms other than the terms above, then that            * 
 * alternative license agreement takes precedence over these comments.     *