Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option 기술 참조

페이지 404
Cisco ICM Software Database Schema Handbook
Chapter 1      Introduction
The ICM Databases
ICM software uses two—and in some cases, three—types of databases:
The central database that is part of the ICM Central Controller.
The local database on each distributor Admin Workstation.
Optionally, the Historical Data Server (HDS) database on a distributor Admin Workstation.
ICM software uses information in the central database to determine how to route each call. This includes 
information about your telephone system configuration and routing scripts. The local database holds a 
copy of the configuration data and scripts from the central database.
The local database also contains tables of real-time information that describe activity at the call centers. 
(The Central Controller keeps the real-time information in memory but does not store it in the central 
database.) This information allows you to monitor current activity within the system. 
Historical information describing past activity at the call centers and within the ICM system is stored in 
the central database. If you use the HDS option, this information is also stored in a special database on 
a distributor Admin Workstation at each site. Either the central database or an HDS database serves as 
historical database
 for an Admin Workstation user. You can access historical information stored 
in the historical database to produce reports and screens.
For information on creating and managing databases, see the Cisco ICM Software Administrator Guide.