Cisco Cisco FirePOWER Appliance 8360

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FireSIGHT System User Guide
Chapter 14      Understanding and Writing Access Control Rules
  Working with Different Types of Conditions
Note that selecting a custom application filter disables the search fields; this is because you cannot add 
a filter to a selected custom filter.
Step 3
Optionally, constrain the list of applications displayed in the 
Available Applications
 list. You have the 
following choices:
Click the arrow next to a filter type to expand it, then select or clear the check box next to each filter 
whose applications you want to display or hide.
Note that a number beside each filter indicates the number of applications in the filter.
Right-click a Cisco-provided filter type (
Business Relevance
, or 
) and 
Check All
Uncheck All
. For more information on Cisco-provided filter types, see the 
The Available Applications list updates in the following ways:
The list includes the applications in currently selected filters.
All apps matching the filter
 selection appears; this available condition includes all applications and 
filters currently displayed in the Available Applications list.
Note that you cannot select or add individual applications in combination with 
All apps matching the 
; note also that, although you can add each separately, doing so will result in duplicate rule 
conditions. The system reduces duplicate conditions to a single condition when you apply your 
access control policy.
A number above the Available Applications list indicates the number of applications in the currently 
displayed list.
Step 4
Optionally, click the information icon (
) next to an application in the 
Available Applications
A pop-up window appears with summary information about the application. You have the following 
To display additional information, click any of the Internet search links provided.
To exit the pop-up window and return to the Applications page, click the close icon (
) or click 
another location within the 
Available Applications 
Step 5
Click an application in the 
Available Applications
 list. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple 
applications, or right-click to select all currently displayed applications. Note that you can add a 
maximum of 50 conditions.
Step 6
You have the following choices:
Add to Rule
Drag and drop selected conditions into the 
Selected Applications and Filters
Selected conditions are added. Filters appear under the heading Filters, and applications appear under 
the heading Applications.
Step 7
Optionally, click the add icon (
) above the 
Selected Applications and Filters
 list to add a custom filter 
comprised of all the individual applications and filters currently in the Selected Applications and Filters 
Custom filters you create from the Applications conditions page or using the object manager appear 
under the User-Created Filters heading in the Application Filters list.
 for information on adding application filters using the 
object manager. See 
 for information on adding filters from 
conditions pages.
Step 8
Save or continue editing the rule.