Samsung Galaxy S6 법률 문서

페이지 29
Health and Safety Information       16
for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you 
have questions about return or exchange policies, 
consult your service provider or device retailer.
Caution:  Some applications or prolonged usage may 
increase device temperature. Prolonged 
skin contact with a device that is hot to the 
touch may produce skin discomfort or 
redness, or low-temperature burns. If the 
device feels hot to the touch, discontinue 
use and close all applications or turn off 
the device until it cools. Always ensure that 
the device has adequate ventilation and air 
flow. Covering the device with bedding, 
your body, thick clothing or any other 
materials that significantly affect air flow 
may affect the performance of the device 
and poses a possible risk of fire or 
explosion, which could lead to serious 
bodily injuries or damage to property.
Restricting Children's Access to Your 
Mobile Device
Your mobile device is not a toy. Do not allow 
children under the age of 3 to play with it because 
they could hurt themselves or others or damage the 
mobile device. If parents choose to allow children 3 
or older to use the device, they should make sure 
that there is adequate supervision of children while 
using the mobile device to guard against damage to 
the device and use of services that may increase 
wireless or other charges.