Apple motion 2 전단

페이지 235
Tutorial 3
    Working With Text
Click the Library tab and choose the Sequence Text behavior in the Text Animation 
subcategory of the Behaviors category.
Make sure the “hippopotamus” object is selected, then click the Apply button in the 
Preview area at the top of the Library.
The Sequence Text behavior is applied to the text object, and again has no immediate 
Configuring the Sequence Text Behavior
The desired effect for this object is a sequential compressing of the letters from left to 
right, then a sequential stretching of the letters from right to left. This can easily be 
done with a single Sequence Text behavior.
To configure the Sequence behavior:
In the Inspector under the Behaviors tab, choose Format > Scale from the Add 
Parameter pop-up menu.
The Scale parameter appears in the Behaviors tab.