Apple compressor 3 매뉴얼

페이지 13
Improvements to Settings and Destinations Windows
There are several significant improvements to the Settings and Destinations windows.
Settings can have subgroups:
  You can now create groups within groups, making it 
much easier to organize your custom settings by client, project, distribution stage, or 
any other item that fits with your workflow.
Destinations can include iDisks: 
 You can now set your iDisk as a destination for your 
transcoded batches.
Each tab can have its own window: 
 The Settings tab and Destinations tab can now 
be separated into their own windows. Just as you can drag a batch’s tab out of the 
Batch window to have the tab appear in its own window, you can drag the Settings 
or Destinations tab to its own window.
This custom group
contains three other
custom groups, each
with its own settings.