abbyy-software finereader 7 사용자 설명서

페이지 104
A B BY Y   Fi n e Re a d e r   7 . 0   U s e r ’ s   G u i d e
Omnifont system  
A recognition system that recognizes charac
ters set in any font and font size without
prior training.
A command that processes an image file:
opens, analyzes the page layout; and recog
nizes it.
Optional hyphen  
A hyphen () that indicates exactly where a
word or word combination should be split if
it occurs at the end of a line (e.g. “autofor
mat” should be split to “autoformat”).
ABBYY FineReader replaces all hyphens
found in dictionary words with optional
Page layout 
A combination of the way text, tables and
pictures are arranged on a page, the way text
is arranged into paragraphs, the font and
font size of the text, the number of text
columns, the character and background
color, and the text orientation.
Page layout analysis (drawing blocks)  
A process of analyzing the page layout and
enclosing different image areas in blocks
according to the layout. Blocks may be of
different types. Page layout analysis may be
performed automatically in a coupled recog
nition/page layout analysis procedure (run
by clicking the 2Read button) or manually. 
The set of all grammatical forms of a word.
A set of pairs (the character image and the
character itself) that is  created during pat
tern training. A pattern provides additional
information during recognition.
Primary form  
The form of words in dictionary.
Prohibited characters  
If certain characters will never be found in
recognized text, they may be specified in a
set of prohibited characters in the language
group properties. Specifying these characters
increases the speed and quality of recogni
tion. To specify a set of prohibited characters,
click on Advanced in the Language Group
Properties dialog. The Advanced language
group properties dialog will open. Specify the
set of prohibited characters in the Prohibited
characters line.
A scanning parameter determining how
many dpi to use during scanning. Resolution
of 300 dpi should be used for texts set in
10pt font size and larger, 400 to 600 dpi is
preferable for texts of smaller font size (9pt
and less). 
A device for inputting images into computer.
The main ABBYY FineReader button. Click it
to have ABBYY FineReader scan and recog
nize your image(s).