Access virus kc 사용자 설명서

페이지 198
Synthesis Parameters
This parameter lets you automatically initiate a
delayed fade-in the LFO3 modulation that you
set up via OSC AMOUNT (see the section
above). FADE IN controls the overall delay and
fade-in time.
 1 LFO3
 FadeIn        0≤   
When you set it to OFF, the LFO oscillates in the
normal manner, independently of the global
Master Clock (CLOCK TEMPO). When you en-
ter a note value here, the LFO rate is synced up
to the global master clock. The length of the
waveshape’s cycle will then correspond to the
note value that you have entered. You can also
set the rate via CLOCK TEMPO (refer to the ap-
propriate section) or synchronize it to external
MIDI clock. When the LFO is synced up to the
master clock, you can also select the desired
note value via the LFO RATE knob.
 1 LFO3
 Clock      1/24≤   
Switches back and forth between two LFO op-
erating modes:
-  POLY  In polyphonic mode, each of the voic-
es involved is assigned a dedicated LFO.
-  SINGLE  In polyphonic mode, all  voices are
assigned the same LFO.
Controls the intensity of the KEY FOLLOW
function - i.e. the rate at which the LFO follows
the pitch of a played note. At a value of 0, KEY
FOLLOW is deactivated. At a value of 127, the
rate doubles with each octave.
 1 LFO3
 Keyfollow   Off≤   
Selecting „MOD“ in the LFOs/MOD section (us-
ing the SELECT button) gives you acces to the
Virus modulation matrix. This consists of six so-
called ASSIGNS, represented by the row of
LEDs at the bottom right of this section. You
can then use the AMOUNT button to scroll
down through the ASSIGNS. If you hold down
the EDIT button at the same time, the destina-
tions are scrolled in the opposite direction.
The six ASSIGN options let you control up to
nine modulation destinations via up to six mod-
ulation sources. Simply go to ASSIGN, select
one of the modulation sources (SOURCE) and
one or several modulation destinations (DESTI-
NATION). Each of these configurations features
a parameter that determines modulation inten-
sity (AMOUNT). ASSIGN 1 can control one
modulation destination, ASSIGN 2 can control
two and ASSIGN 3 can control three modula-
tion destinations, each with independent
AMOUNTs. The ASSIGN 4-6 control one desti-
nation at the time.
If the modulation intensity for the selected des-
tination is not „0“, its LED stays lit after you quit
the menu.