Trimble Outdoors 58052-00 사용자 설명서

페이지 251
1 1 0      Copernicus GPS Receiver
Establish a serial port connection to the target in the Monitor mode.
Once the target enters the monitor mode, it changes the GPS receiver’s serial 
port settings to 38400 baud (port A) or 4800 baud (port B), 8 data bits, 1 stop 
bit, and no parity. To establish communication to the target in the monitor 
mode, the local host’s settings must be changed to the same value, and the ENQ 
packet sent to the target. The target will respond with ACK to indicate the 
communication has been established. Refer to Section ENQ, ACK, NAK for 
details on this packet.
Change baud rate for faster loading.
If the local host’s hardware can support higher baud rates, it is better to change 
the baud rate to maximum possible for the fastest loading time. First send 
“Change Baud” Monitor Mode packet 0x86 to the target with the desired baud 
rate. See 
 for details on this packet. Wait 0.5 seconds to let the packet 
be transmitted, change the local baud rate to the same settings, and send ENQ 
packet to the target. The target will respond with ACK at the new baud rate to 
indicate the communication has been established.
Erase firmware section.
Before the firmware can be programmed, the GPS firmware section in Flash 
must be erased. The “Erase Firmware Section” Monitor Mode packet 0x8F 
must be sent to the target. The target will respond with ACK when the section 
is erased. See page 
 for details on this packet.
Send size and start address of the firmware.
In this step, the size and start (base) address of the firmware is sent to the target 
using the “Start Firmware Programming” Monitor Mode packet 0x8B. This 
packet initiates the firmware loading process. The target will respond with 
ACK as soon as this packet is received. See 
 for details on this packet.
Send firmware data.
Once the “Start Firmware Programming” packet is sent, the target expects a 
stream of 2-byte words. The host must send this data one word at a time, with 
the most significant byte of each word sent first. There is no protocol 
formatting for this data stream. For faster loading, data can be sent up to 200 
bytes at a time. Note that whatever the size, it must be a multiple of 2 bytes. 
See Appendix A for example source code, which shows how this is done. Once 
the target received and programmed all of the data into Flash, it will send ACK 
to indicate success. If NAK is received, an error occurred, and the process must 
be repeated from Step 6.
Restart the target.
Once firmware loading is complete, the “Restart Target” Monitor Mode packet 
0x8C should be issued to reset the GPS receiver. Upon reset, the new firmware 
will start up. See 
 for details on this packet.