games-pc panzer-elite 사용자 설명서

페이지 122
AA (Antiaircraft). A weapon which is designed to fire at aircraft.  A machinegun in an antiaircraft 
mount can normally be elevated to fire at aircraft or depressed to fire at ground targets and is capable
of firing in any direction, although a crewmember must ordinarily expose himself to do so.
Abt. (Abteilung).  German designation for battalion or detachment.
Antitank. Any weapon or artillery piece designed to attack tanks.  This will usually be by means 
of a high-velocity solid-shot shell (AP) or a low-velocity shaped-charge (HEAT) round.
AP (Armor Piercing).  A type of ammunition designed to penetrate armor.  It is usually made of
hardened steel, and is not explosive.
APCBC (Armor-Piercing, Capped, Ballistic-Cap).  An armor-piercing round which has been given
two caps, one to improve penetration, and the other to improve flight characteristics.
APCR (Armor-Piercing Composite Rigid).  A type of armor-piercing ammunition which uses a
tungsten carbide core surrounded by a skirt of softer metal.
APDS (Armor-Piercing Discarding-Sabot).  A type of armor-piercing shot which used a tungsten
carbide penetrator carried by a lightweight sabot (pronounced say-bo), which separate as the round
is fired.
Armored car.  A lightly-armored fighting vehicle, mainly used for reconnaissance, which has four,
six, or eight wheels and may be armed.
Army.  A unit made up of 2-3 corps.  May be prefaced by “infantry” or “tank” to show what types
of corps are commanded.  The numerical designation of the Army will be spelled out, e.g. Fifth
Army, Seventh Army, etc.
Assault Gun.  A fully-tracked and armored fighting vehicle mounting a cannon in a fixed forward-
firing mount.
AT (Antitank).  A weapon or device designed to penetrate the armor of tanks and inflict
internal damage.
Ausf. (Ausfuhrung).  German for model or variant.
BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle).  An American magazine-fed light machinegun.
BDE (Brigade).  A unit made up of 2 regiments or 3-4 battalions.  Numbering for brigades is as
for divisions.
BN (Battalion).  A unit made up of 3-5 companies.  The battalions in a regiment are normally
numbered in order, e.g. 1st BN, 2nd BN, etc.
CO (Company).  A unit made up of 3-5 platoons.  Also used as American slang to refer to the
company commander.  The designation of the company is generally given alphabetically, as A CO,
B CO, C CO, etc.
Coax (Coaxial).  A weapon which is mounted next to the main gun in the turret of a tank, and may
only be fired at targets to the front of the turret of the vehicle.  Machineguns which are mounted
next to the main gun of a self-propelled gun are considered to be hull-mounted machineguns.