Macromedia flex builder-using flex builder 사용자 설명서

페이지 158
Chapter 1:  Getting Started with Flex Builder
Macromedia website resources
The Macromedia website contains the following resources to support Flex developers:
Flex Builder support pages
 on the Macromedia website at 
 helps you get the most out of Flex Builder. The website is updated regularly with the 
latest information on Flex Builder, plus advice from expert users, examples, tips, updates, and 
information on advanced topics.
The Flex Support Center 
on the Macromedia website at 
 provides information on Flex technology.
The Flex Documentation Center
 on the Macromedia website at 
 provides product manuals, tutorials, and articles about Flex.
Macromedia Developer Center
 on the Macromedia website at 
 provides tools, tutorials, and more for all Macromedia products.
The Flex online forum
 on the Macromedia website at 
What you need to build Flex applications
To develop and test Flex applications with Flex Builder, you need a computer running Microsoft 
Windows 2000 or Windows XP. For more information, see 
You also need the Flex server (see 
), which requires the 
following software:
An HTTP web server (see 
A J2EE application server (see 
You can quickly set up a Flex server by using the HTTP web server and J2EE server installed with 
the Flex server. For added convenience, you can install and run this software on the same 
computer as Flex Builder. For more information, see 
You can also configure the Flex server to work with third-party web servers and J2EE servers. For 
more information, see the Flex installation guide on the Macromedia website at 
, or consult your system administrator. Generally, it’s best 
to match your development environment to your production environment as closely as possible. 
For example, if you use Tomcat in your production environment, you may want to configure 
your development environment around Tomcat.
A Flex best practice is to place the code implementing the functionality or business rules of the 
application in a business layer. Flex is designed for building the presentation layer (or user 
interface) of multi-tier enterprise applications. There is no inherent database support. To access 
databases, you must connect your presentation layer to a business layer. For more information, see 
. The development of the business and data layers is beyond the 
scope of this guide.